Designing Your Workflow

Each OER project is different and rarely is an OER adoption a turn-key process. While OER textbooks exist for many high-enrollment courses, the pedagogical design (or teaching style) and student population will vary.

OER Production Framework

The following OER production framework, based on an instructional design framework, depicts the major steps that OER adoptions typically go through. Expand each step to learn more about what the process entails.

For a visual representation of this workflow, take a look at the flow chart below. You can also view the full size version on Google Drawings.

A flowchart depicting the production workflow for OER projects through five phases: research, pre-production, design, development, and publication.
Figure 4. A visual representation of the OER production workflow.

Key Takeaways

  • Each OER project is unique and will require a unique approach.
  • Generally speaking, OER development will involve five phases: Research, Pre-production, Design, Development, and Publication.


This chapter was adapted fromĀ The OER Starter Kit by Abbey K. Elder, licensed CC BY 4.0 and Scoping an OER Project by Billy Meinke, licensed CC BY 4.0.


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Designing Your Workflow Copyright © 2024 by Abbey Childs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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