
Program Closeout

Once your OER has been published, implemented in your course(s) and assessed, you can begin the program closeout process. This process closes your formal working relationship with the Affordable Course Content Awards Program, although the library and its resources remain available to you.

In order to close out, you will need to verify that you have:

  • Assigned a CC BY or CC BY-NC License to any resources you created, including main text and any ancillaries
  • Followed accessibility standards in all resources remixed or created
  • Shared a copy or link of the final (or current) version of the OER with the OER Librarian
  • Worked with the OER Librarian to deposit a preservation copy in Scholars Compass
  • Implemented the project for two semesters or have plans to use the project for a second semester
  • Assessed the project (in consultation with the OER Librarian) and have shared the results of that assessment with the OER Librarian
  • Completed the final report/program assessment

Even though you are concluding your time with the program, you are still invited and encouraged to:

  • Report usage of my project at VCU in subsequent semesters
  • Based on those reports, receive updates and recognition of my project’s total impact from the OER Librarian
  • Share updates for inclusion on the Affordable Course Content Awards site
  • Attend All-ACCA Meet-ups to share updates with other ACCA recipients and engage with the VCU open education community.

VCU Libraries and the OER Librarian remain available to you as resources for any questions, concerns, or ideas that may arise. Open education work is broad and expansive, and although this program may be complete, there is always room for growth! We hope to continue our collaborations and conversations to make our community a more equitable, accessible, and inclusive place!


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Affordable Course Content Awards Authors Guide Copyright © 2024 by Abbey Childs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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