
Program Support

Throughout the program, you’ll have access to hands-on support from VCU Libraries and other campus partners. Here’s what you can expect:

VCU Libraries Support

  • Assistance in locating existing open materials for adoption/customization
  • Assistance identifying additional project support freelancers
  • Hosting and long-term preservation of final products in Scholars Compass
  • DOI assignment
  • Consultations on publishing workflows and best practices, copyright and open licensing, metadata creation, upkeep and maintenance of materials, and how to share resources to wider community
  • Referrals to other resources. If you have a question or support need, even if it’s not listed here, just ask!

Support from other VCU Partners

Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence

Main Contact: Kim Case, Director of Faculty Success

The CTLE can help think through your course’s instructional design, alignment of outcomes, content, and activities, incorporation of authentic assessments, inclusive teaching practices, instructional technology tools, active learning ideas, and curricular alignment. Our Write Track initiative could also support any writing goals you have for creating any new OER content. The Write Track includes writing retreats, workshops, and the Just Write drop-in writing sessions that you can join any time to get some work done. If you just want to chat and brainstorm over coffee, we are available for that, too.

Academic Technologies

Main Contact: Colleen Bishop, Director

Academic Technologies, a unit of Technology Services division, delivers, manages and supports core technologies and instructional resources to enhance teaching and learning, student engagement, and to promote positive learning outcomes through a variety of instructional approaches.

Office of Institutional Equity, Effectiveness and Success

Main Contact: Sarah McCall, IES Programs Manager

VCU Office of Institutional Equity, Effectiveness and Success actualizes initiatives that foster a diverse and inclusive community in which people of all cultural backgrounds and life experiences are supported and valued. One of these initiatives, IExcel Education, delivers courses developed by nationally recognized scholars that offer faculty, staff and students the opportunity to discover emerging diversity and inclusion topics and fields, develop leadership skills and strengthen their cultural competency.


All products and services utilized by University faculty/staff, program participants, students, or other University constituencies must be compliant with state and federal accessibility laws. Compliance means that a person with a disability can acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services as a person without a disability, in an equally effective and integrated manner, with substantially equivalent ease of use. For more information, view the ACCA-Accessibility overview. Users can submit services desk tickets with questions to our group (will need to log-on using VCU credentials to access).


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Affordable Course Content Awards Authors Guide Copyright © 2024 by Abbey Childs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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