
Program Timeline

The Affordable Course Content Awards program begins in the early summer and projects typically wrap up within two years, although that will vary widely depending on each project’s unique needs.

Text version:

ACCA Program Timeline

This will give you a general sense of the flow of the program. Dates are subject to change, depending on everyone’s availability!

Early June

Program Kickoff Meeting: We kick off the program with a half-day workshop to cover the basics of OER work, and project work begins.

Early July

Funding Disbursement: Funding is disbursed to awardees’ departments. Check in with your department to make sure you understand any relevant policies that might impact how you can spend your funding.


1:1 Check-in Meetings Begin!: These meetings are scheduled with one or more of your project team members and the OER Librarian. They can be held either monthly or every other month and will allow you to ask questions and give updates on your specific project.


Cohort Meeting: These sessions are learning opportunities focused on specific topics and are your chance to connect with your fellow cohort members. Attending all meetings is encouraged, but attending at least one is required.


Cohort Meeting: These sessions are learning opportunities focused on specific topics and are your chance to connect with your fellow cohort members. Attending all meetings is encouraged, but attending at least one is required.


All-ACCA Meeting: This annual meeting of past and present ACCA program participants allows for exchange of ideas and community building among the VCU open education community.


Cohort Meeting: These sessions are learning opportunities focused on specific topics and are your chance to connect with your fellow cohort members. Attending all meetings is encouraged, but attending at least one is required.


Cohort Meeting: These sessions are learning opportunities focused on specific topics and are your chance to connect with your fellow cohort members. Attending all meetings is encouraged, but attending at least one is required.

One Year Mark

Reevaluate Schedule for Regular Check-in Meetings: Authors may require more frequent meetings as they get close to project completion, or may not need meet as often if they are in the thick of writing their OER. We can adjust according to your project status and the author(s) needs!


All-ACCA Meeting: Your first all-ACCA meeting as a returning program participant! Share your lessons learned and words of encouragement with the next cohort!

Second Year

Implementation and Assessment: Typically around this time, you’ll start using your resource in class and gather student feedback to inform revisions and updates. This timeline is flexible and can be adjusted to meet your project’s specific needs.

Two Year Mark

Project Closeout: Most projects tend to wrap up around two years after program kickoff. You can close out sooner if you’re ready, or we can adjust the timeline if you need more time.


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Affordable Course Content Awards Authors Guide Copyright © 2024 by Abbey Childs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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