10 Unit 0 Tasks in English
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Find below English translations of the major assignments in Unité 0.
Curation 0
Curation 0 : Filling the gap
With a partner, complete the following steps.
- Choose 1 curation topic for you and your partner that will help you “fill a gap” in your current French.
- relative pronouns
- difference between the imperfect and the passé composé
- subjunctive mood
- when to use ‘tout’, ‘toute’, ‘toutes’, and ‘tous’
- negation
- conditional mood
- pronunciation of final consonants
- placement of adjectives
- definite, indefinite, and partitive articles
- ‘lequel’, ‘auquel’, ‘duquel’, and the other forms of these pronouns of this kind (e.g. ‘auxquelles’)
- Search for francophone web pages about this topic, with each of you finally selecting 1 page.
- Read your page, making sure you understand at least 80%.
- Each of you write a summary (2 sentences minimum) in French for your chosen page.
- Compare your page and summary with your partner’s.
- Choose the better of the 2 to share with the class.
- In class, learn how to revise a draft.
- Revise the class draft with your partner.
- In class, learn how to post your curation to Ram Pages.
TalkAbroad 0
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to prepare for future TalkAbroad assignments—where you’ll be speaking with a Francophone tutor—by preparing for a conversation with a classmate.
TalkAbroad 0 : A First Conversation
The following plan is just a suggestion for the structure of your conversation.
- ~30 seconds : Introduce yourself.
- ~2-3 minutes : Read the tutors’ biographies aloud.
- ~2-3 minutes : Compare the two tutors, according to their biographies.
- ~30 seconds : Say goodbye politely.
Create an account
Create a TalkAbroad account following the instructions provided by the professor. Then, read through the different tutors’ biographies and choose one you might like to speak with. Using the instructions below, practice for the upcoming conversation in which you will discuss this tutor with a classmate.
For each of the following instructions, practice speaking aloud. Take the time to formulate complete sentences. You’ll need to look up words as you speak. The suggestions in the grey boxes are suggestions—use them as a guide but don’t repeat them word for word while you practice.
- Practice greeting your classement politely.
- « Salut ! »
- « Donc, je m’appelle … et toi ? »
- « Comment vas-tu aujourd’hui ? »
- Practice bringing up the topic of tutors.
- « Voudrais-tu lire la biographie que tu as choisie en premier ? »
- Practice reading your tutor’s biography and asking your partner about theirs.
- « La personne de cette biographie vient de/du ( pays ) »;
- « Voici les trois éléments les plus intéressants pour moi dans sa biographie : ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) . . . » ;
- « Ma personne est spécialiste en XYZ et la tienne ? »
- « Ma personne est similaire à la tienne parce que XYZ. Elle est différente en ce qu’elle fait XYZ. »
- Practice ending the conversation politely.
- « Nous avons fini ? C’était bien/terrible/facile/ennuyeux/, n’est-ce pas ? Merci bien d’avoir travaillé avec moi. Au revoir ! »
Jeter le pont 0 → 1
Create a CV
Create a résumé ( « CV » ) in French for a job or internship on the path to your dream job. If you’re having trouble coming up with qualifications, you can make them up. You won’t be graded on the content of your résumé, just the form.
Your CV must include :
- your last name, first name, and email address.
- your work experience, with a brief description of your duties and accomplishments for each position. Even a job such as pizza deliverer can show an employer that you know how to follow instructions, etc.
- your education, including the degree you are currently pursuing.
- skills relevant to the job to which you are applying.
- soft skills, like “creativity”, “empathy”, or “ability to act as a mentor”.
- awards you may have received.
- languages you know, including French!