Versioning History & Topic Suggestions for Future Updates

Versioning History

This table lists major changes to this work. Minor content and formatting updates are expected to occur continuously but will not be tracked in this table.

Version Date Change
2.05 08/19/2024 Added a new chapter on “Getting Started,” and added a new section on how to “Share Feedback through the Hypothesis Sidebar.”
2.04 07/23/2024 Updated several MLA links following MLA’s transition to a new website.
2.03 04/15/2024 Renamed “Assessment” chapter to “Evaluating Resources: Deciding What to Buy, Keep, Weed, or Cancel”.
2.02 09/22/2023 Added a section on streaming media acquisitions, updated glossary terms, and removed broken links.
2.01 07/26/2023 Added sample challenged materials policies and updated a few links.
Completed work is officially published.




Topic Suggestions for Future Updates

Please suggest any updates to the 2nd edition or topics you would like to see added to the 3rd edition to and

  • More details about how to look at COUNTER reports. Which are the most common COUNTER reports we use?
  • Reliability of SUSHI reports.
  • Transformative agreements, read and publish, subscribe to open.
  • Link to Contemporary Issues in Collection Management?
  • Include a government/federal library perspective.


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Health Sciences Collection Development: An Overview of Fundamental Knowledge and Practices (2nd Edition) Copyright © 2023 by Medical Library Association Collection Development Caucus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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