
Licensing and Copyright

Artificial Intelligence Clauses in Licensing Agreements

Artificial intelligence (AI) programs and the ability to create machine learning algorithms from existing textual corpuses are becoming increasingly more available. Patrons often have questions about how they can incorporate library resources into AI products and tools in order to create, augment, and improve machine learning algorithms. In 2023, libraries began seeing explicit clauses in licenses prohibiting the use of subscribed or purchased materials in these types of tools, often in addition to existing prohibitions on using the subscribed or purchased resources to create derivative materials.

Libraries may have existing text mining clauses in their licenses that permit the use of analyzing textual content within a database. Text mining clauses may not cover the use of artificial intelligence or machine learning algorithms. This is because AI and machine learning use cases are not usually limited to the analysis of a text corpus but often create derivative works.

Libraries may want to negotiate clauses in licenses that explicitly allow specific uses of resources in AI applications to support academic scholarship and education. Below are some resources that offer adaptable license language and suggestions about how to negotiate these terms.



Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Health Sciences Collection Development: An Overview of Fundamental Knowledge and Practices (2nd Edition) Copyright © 2023 by Medical Library Association Collection Development Caucus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.