
3.5 Recommended Resources


Language autobiographies

  • Grosjean, F. (2010). Bilingual: life and reality. Harvard University Press.
  • Hoffman, E. (1998). Lost in translation: A life in a new language. Random House.
  • Kaplan, A. (1994). French lessons: A memoir. University of Chicago Press.
  • Rodriguez, R. (1983). Hunger of memory: The education of Richard Rodriguez: An autobiography. Bantam.

Online Resources

Movies involving language or linguists

  • Apocalypto, 2006; filmed entirely in the Yucatec Maya language (with subtitles)
  • Arrival, 2016; science fiction that centers on translation and interpretation, with a linguist as the main protagonist
  • Grammar of Happiness, 2012; follows the story of Daniel Everett among the Amazonian Piraha tribe
  • Do you speak American?, 2005; documentary about different versions of English in the US
  • Ghost Warrior,1984; A deep-frozen 400-year-old samurai is shipped to Los Angeles, where he comes back to life, speaking an ancient Japanese dialect
  • Nell, 1994; wild woodswoman in North Carolina who speaks a strange unknown language
  • Pontypool, 2010; a virus spreads through a community and only a linguist can solve the mystery
  • The Interpreter, 2005; political thriller about a UN interpreter (Nicole Kidman)
  • The Linguists, 2008; documentary film about language extinction and documentation
  • The Terminal, 2004; feature film (Tom Hanks) exploring learning a new language on the fly
  • Windtalkers, 2002, on the use of the Navajo language as a secret code during World War II

Blogs on language

The nature of language

Language in society

  • Anne Curzan: What makes a word “real”?
    TED description: “One could argue that slang words like ‘hangry,’ ‘defriend’ and ‘adorkable’ fill crucial meaning gaps in the English language, even if they don’t appear in the dictionary. After all, who actually decides which words make it into those pages? Language historian Anne Curzan gives a charming look at the humans behind dictionaries, and the choices they make.”

Speaking multiple languages

  • Mia Nacamulli: The benefits of a bilingual brain
    It’s obvious that knowing more than one language can make certain things easier — like traveling or watching movies without subtitles. But are there other advantages to having a bilingual (or multilingual) brain? Mia Nacamulli details the three types of bilingual brains and shows how knowing more than one language keeps your brain healthy, complex and actively engaged.
  • Patricia Kuhl: The linguistic genius of babies
    TED description: “Patricia Kuhl shares astonishing findings about how babies learn one language over another — by listening to the humans around them and “taking statistics” on the sounds they need to know. Clever lab experiments (and brain scans) show how 6-month-old babies use sophisticated reasoning to understand their world.”
  • Tim Doner: Breaking the language barrier
    Young polyglot talks about superficial view of language learning in the media; explains “method of loci” (memory palace) and experimenting with other methods; about language and culture
  • Benny Lewis: Hacking language learning
    Polyglot explains his method for language learning; about polyglots; emphasizes motivation TED description: “‘Some people just don’t have the language learning gene.’ To prove that this statement is patently untrue is Benny Lewis’s life mission. A monoglot till after leaving university, Benny now runs the World’s most popular language learning blog and is learning Egyptian Arabic which will be language number twelve, or maybe thirteen. But who’s counting?”

On language learning

English as a world language

  • Jay Walker: The world’s English mania
    TED description: “Jay Walker explains why two billion people around the world are trying to learn English. He shares photos and spine-tingling audio of Chinese students rehearsing English, ‘the world’s second language’, by the thousands.”
  • Jamila Lyiscott: 3 ways to speak English
    TED description: “Jamila Lyiscott is a ‘tri-tongued orator;’ in her powerful spoken-word essay “Broken English,” she celebrates — and challenges — the three distinct flavors of English she speaks with her friends, in the classroom and with her parents. As she explores the complicated history and present-day identity that each language represents, she unpacks what it means to be ‘articulate’.”
  • Patricia Ryan: Don’t insist on English!
    TED description: “In her talk, longtime English teacher Patricia Ryan asks a provocative question: Is the world’s focus on English preventing the spread of great ideas in other languages? (For instance: what if Einstein had to pass the TOEFL?) It’s a passionate defense of translating and sharing ideas.”
  • Suzanne Talhouk: Don’t kill your language
    TED description: “More and more, English is a global language; speaking it is perceived as a sign of being modern. But — what do we lose when we leave behind our mother tongues? Suzanne Talhouk makes an impassioned case to love your own language, and to cherish what it can express that no other language can. In Arabic with subtitles.”
  • There Was No Committee
    Article by Geoffrey Pullum (from the Lingua Franca blog) on the rise of English in education world-wide

Playing with language and identity

  • Hetain Patel and Yuyu Rau: Who am I? Think again
    TED description: “How do we decide who we are? Hetain Patel’s surprising performance plays with identity, language and accent — and challenges you to think deeper than surface appearances. A delightful meditation on self, with performer Yuyu Rau, and inspired by Bruce Lee.”

TED talks on endangered languages

  • Wade Davis: Dreams from endangered cultures
    TED description: “With stunning photos and stories, National Geographic Explorer Wade Davis celebrates the extraordinary diversity of the world’s indigenous cultures, which are disappearing from the planet at an alarming rate.”
  • Mark Plotkin: What the people of the Amazon know that you don’t
    TED description: “‘The greatest and most endangered species in the Amazon rainforest is not the jaguar or the harpy eagle,’ says Mark Plotkin, ‘It’s the isolated and uncontacted tribes.’ In an energetic and sobering talk, the ethnobotanist brings us into the world of the forest’s indigenous tribes and the incredible medicinal plants that their shamans use to heal. He outlines the challenges and perils that are endangering them — and their wisdom — and urges us to protect this irreplaceable repository of knowledge.”

On the nature of TED talks