
Ch 5: Opener

about this tutorial…

This is one in a series of tutorials on intercultural communication. You may create a print version by clicking on the “print all” link at the top of the page. Anticipated completion time for this tutorial: approximately 65 minutes. Note that you can stop and come back and your score on completed items will be retained.

Unit Opener: Film clip – Non-verbal and verbal communication in context

This video excerpt from Office Space (1999) demonstrates some aspects of non-verbal communication we’ll be dealing with in this unit.

After watching the video, think about the following:

  1. What messages are sent by the restaurant manager’s body language?
  2. How about the body language of Joanna, the waitress (Jennifer Aniston)?
  3. What’s the relationship between the body language and what’s said?
  4. What’s the role of dress at Chotchke’s restaurant?
  5. Is the body language used here universal across cultures?