Book Title: Biological Basis of Behavior

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Book Description: Designed for graduate students of PSYC:629, this text gives an overview of the study of human behavior through a biological lens, this text focuses on the role of the central nervous system and its role in the regulation and control of human behavior. This text also includes supplemental resources to integrate the social context related to these topics and address the impact of historic harms to minoritized populations from a behavioral neuroscience lens.
Publication of this book was made possible by the Virginia Commonwealth University Affordable Course Content Awards grant program.
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Book Description
This text is designed for graduate students of PSYC:629, Biological Basis of Behavior, a doctoral-level psychology course at Virginia Commonwealth University.
An overview of the study of human behavior through a biological lens, this text focuses on the role of the central nervous system and its role in the regulation and control of human behavior. Topics include both structure and function of neurons, neurophysiology of the nervous system, basic neuroanatomy, drugs and behavior, internal regulatory processes, learning and memory, emotions, and some forms of psychopathology.
This text also includes supplemental resources to integrate the social context related to these topics and address the impact of historic harms to minoritized populations from a behavioral neuroscience lens.
Publication of this book was made possible by the Virginia Commonwealth University Affordable Course Content Awards grant program.
ISBN: 978-1-7341307-6-8 (Digital Online)
ISBN: 978-1-7341307-7-5 (PDF)
ISBN: 978-1-7341307-8-2 (EPUB)
Biological Basis of Behavior Copyright © 2024 by Caroline Cobb (Amey) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.