
Welcome to PSYC:629! I’m so glad you are here!

This welcome page is just a short overview of this open access “textbook”. In each section, you will find the names of the Open Neuroscience Initiative Chapter Readings that are assigned for each topic and are provided within this ebook. Please note we aren’t reading these in order provided in the original version which is why we skip around a little bit! For some topics, there are no chapters assigned, but additional readings will be provided in the below section.

These readings/links will require you to click, review/watch, and/or download specific documents OUTSIDE of this PDF. If applicable you will find topic-specific documents uploaded on Canvas. Myself and other contributors have spent a lot of time reviewing, reading, and watching content for this part of your “textbook”. We selected specific videos and readings to meet course objectives and ensure a focus on topics relevant to diversity/equity/inclusion that attempt to center authors from marginalized groups. We hope you enjoy them! And we welcome any feedback or suggestions for future iterations of this textbook and course.



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Biological Basis of Behavior Copyright © 2024 by Caroline Cobb (Amey) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.