
12.5 The Future of Unions

Adapted by Stephen Skripak with Ron Poff

As we noted earlier, union membership in the United States has been declining for some time. So will membership continue to decline causing unions to lose even more power? The AFL⁠–CIO is optimistic about union membership, pointing out recent gains in membership among women and immigrants, as well as health care workers, graduate students, and professionals.[1]

Convincing workers to unionize is still more difficult than it used to be and could become even harder in the future. Given their resistance to being unionized, employers have developed strategies for dissuading workers from unionizing—in particular, tactics for withholding job security. If unionization threatens higher costs for wages and benefits, management can resort to part-time or contract workers. They can also outsource work, eliminating jobs entirely. Many employers are now investing in technology designed to reduce the amount of human labor needed to produce goods or offer services. While it is impossible to predict the future, it is likely that unions and managers will remain adversaries for the foreseeable future.


Key Takeaways

  • Convincing workers to unionize is still more difficult than it used to be and could become even harder in the future.


  1. Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO (2011). “What Is a Union.” Launionaflcio.org. Retrieved from: http://launionaflcio.org/what-is-a-union


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12.5 The Future of Unions Copyright © by Adapted by Stephen Skripak with Ron Poff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.