
12.6 Cases and Problems

Lawrence J. Gitman, et al

Learning on the Web

  1. What are the key issues facing labor unions today? Visit the AFL-CIO website, http://www.aflcio.org, and Labornet, http://www.labornet.org. Select three current topics and summarize the key points for the class.
  2. Not everyone believes that unions are good for workers. The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation offers free legal aid to employees whose “human and civil rights have been violated by compulsory unionism abuses.” Read the materials on its site (http://www.nrtw.org), and prepare a short report on its position regarding the disadvantages of labor unions.
  3. Although we tend to think of labor unions as representing manufacturing employees, many office and service-industry employees, teachers, and professional belong to unions. Visit the websites of two of the following nonmanufacturing unions and discuss how they help their members: the Office and Professional Employees International Union (http://www.opeiu.org), the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (http://www.afscme.org), the National Education Association (http://www.nea.org), the Actor’s Equity Association (http://www.actorsequity.org), and the American Federation of Musicians (http://www.afm.org). What are the differences, if any, between these unions and those in other industries?

Preparing for Tomorrow’s Workplace Skills

  1. Assume you have been asked to speak at a local meeting of human resource and labor relations professionals. The topic is whether union membership will increase or decline in the next 50 years. Take either the increase or the decline position and outline your presentation. (Information)
  2. Go to the government documents section in your college or university library, and inspect publications of the Department of Labor (DOL), including Employment and Earnings, Compensation and Working Conditions, Monthly Labor Review, Occupational Outlook Handbook, and Career Guide to Industries. Alternatively, go to the DOL Bureau of Labor Statistics website at http://stats.bls.gov. Access the most recent DOL publications and locate the following information. (Information)
    • Number of persons in the American workforce
    • Unemployment rate for last year
    • Demographic characteristics of the American workforce: race, ethnic status, age, marital status, and gender
    • Occupations where there are projected shortages for the next five or 10 years
    • Union membership by major industry category: manufacturing, banking and finance, health care, business and personal services, sports and entertainment, and any other area of interest to you
  3. Assume you are a director of labor relations for a firm faced with a union certification election in 30 days. Draft a letter to be sent to your employees in which you urge them to vote “no union”; be persuasive in presenting your arguments against the union. (Information)
  4. Using the internet, research articles featuring a recent strike or a labor contract settlement. Report to your class the specifics of the strike or settlement. (Technology, Resources)


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